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Through The Smart Investment Club (www.thesmartinvestmentclub.com), we provide investment literacy and opportunities for investments and collaboration.
For individuals, we offer advisory services that promote financial fitness and advise on debt-management, savings, and investment issues. We advise and help you on your journey to financial independence. For small and medium-sized businesses, we help management maximize the benefits from well-structured accounting operations
I am really glad to be part of this forum. I impress myself with my money decisions now, and it will only get better.I am a smart and savvy steward.
Sola Adesakin FCA FCCA CPA MBA
Lead Coach/ CEO
My name is Sola Adesakin, a Personal & SME Finance Expert, Money Coach and Author. I will tell you a bit of myself before I give you an insight into my professional background!I help you set and accomplish your personal finance goals; teaching you how to Make, Manage and Multiply Money on your way to building Wealth!